Forth Valley Flyers Open Champs 2024

FVF are delighted to say our Open Champ’s are returning this year with a full programme of events for all disabilities When – Sunday Sept 1st, 10am to 3pm | Where – Grangemouth Stadium. Entry form  Provisional timetable  

AGM 2024

The AGM for Forth Valley Flyers will be held at 6pm in the Wooden Gym at Grangemouth Stadium on March 15th 2024. Training will be cancelled that night so we hope to see as many athletes, coaches and parents /carers present as possible. Please let us know if you wish to join us virtually instead and we… Read More »

Forth Valley Flyers AGM 2023

Our 2023 AGM will be held in the Wooden Gym at Grangemouth Stadium and June 16th at 6pm. Athletes can train as normal or attend the AGM if they wish. We would welcome all parents and carers to attend the AGM to help develop the club. we look forward to seeing you!

CVS Falkirk Award

We are delighted to announce yet another award for the Flyers. This time we have won the CVS Falkirk Volunteer-Involving Organisation of the Year sponsored by Central FM. Pictured below are some of our athletes and volunteers with their award. Why not come along to see for yourself why we got this latest award and… Read More »

Open Championships Event Info

We look forward to welcoming old friends, and making new ones, at our Open Championships on July 10th. Athlete info The latest timetable can be viewed here, but please listen to any changes on the day. Team Managers should collect their athletes numbers from declarations and hand them out. If you have entered individually then… Read More »

Physical Disability Taster Session 10th July

Do you have a physical disability? Are you looking to try an exciting sport? Not sure who to ask, or to shy to ask? Then why not come along to our Taster Session to view what is on offer, try our racing wheelchairs, throwing chairs, and race running frames. You can also talk to our… Read More »

Forth Valley Flyers Open Championships

After two years absence due to lockdowns, we are delighted to say our  Track and Field Championships will take place on Sunday July 10th at Grangemouth Stadium from 10.30am to 4pm. This is open to all athletes with a disability. Please follow the links below for further info. Please note the closing date of June… Read More »


Following the AGM we now ask all existing members to submit their form for 2022. The welcome pack containing the form will be handed out at training or it is available here. Completed forms should be handed back at training along with payment or sent to Harry using members wishing to pay by BACS… Read More »

FVDS Club of the Year

We are delighted to announce that the Flyers won the Forth Valley Disability Sports Club of the Year award at the recent awards night. Additionally, David Dent lifted the Achievement Award and Keith Gray took the Newcomer Award. Many other athletes and coaches were short listed in various categories well done to all.

Annual General Meeting 2022

Our AGM will be held in the Wooden Gym at Grangemouth Stadium on Friday 18th March 2022 at 6pm. We invite parents, carers, athletes and volunteers to attend. This will be an in-person meeting as restrictions currently allow this, but please follow these guidelines. Take an LFT test before attending. Face masks to be worn… Read More »